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Managing your resources

Checking available resources​

After successful registration, you can check the resources available to you, at any given moment by using the following command:

cgc status

$ cgc status
Resource Available Limit
------------------ ----------- ---------
Total CPU 63 128
Total RAM 255.0 GB 512.0 GB
Total GPU 11 16
Total Storage 758.0 GB 2048.0 GB
Storage (ssd-rwx) 973.0 GB 2048.0 GB
Storage (nvme-rwx) 1019.0 GB 1024.0 GB
Storage (nvme-rwo) 1024.0 GB 1024.0 GB
Storage (ssd-rwo) 1838.0 GB 2048.0 GB
Volume Count 12 48
GPU A5000 2 6
GPU A100 7 8
GPU V100 8 8

If you need to increase your limits, please contact as at

Monitoring resource utilization​

You can monitor the utilization of your resources using our real-time dashboard. Use the link and credentials we sent you or please contact if you haven't received them. The dashboard allows you to view the following metrics of your resources:

Instantaneous metrics:

  • Uptime: the uptime of your resources that are currently started.

Metrics per resource (over time):

  • CPU Usage: fraction of time during which the CPUs aren't idle, 1 = one CPU core fully utilized;
  • Memory Usage: an approximation of actively used memory that can't be evicted without killing processes.

Metrics per GPU (over time):

  • GPU Usage: percent of time during which one or more kernels was executing on the GPU;
  • GPU Memory Usage: amount of memory used on the device by the context.

You may select the time range presented on the dashboard's panels by clicking the clock icon in the upper right corner.